A thin bracelet worn by those who wish to remember. A bright red colour to evoke the Japanese flag but also pounding hearts and emergency. Japan’s young generation opening up to a brighter future. The « Kokoru + Anju » exhibition brings these symbols together in a photographic fresco, relaying the energy of Japan’s youth, sticking together and looking towards the future.

KOKORO 11.3.11 association – Japanese for «heart» – provides support to populations affected by the earthquake of March 11th 2011. Following the sweep of the disaster Irie, Yukiko Ito and Mika Mizutani, three Japanese stylists living in Paris spontaneously got together to think up a support action. The KOKORO bracelet has become a discreet symbol of solidarity and remembrance, worn by celebrities and anonymous people throughout the world.

Japanese photographer Anju collaborates with the association and imagines the photographic project Dream Linking* : she travels the country meeting teenager throughout Japan. Affected by the 2011 events they unite, symbolically holdings hands, as if linked to each other by their dreams for the future and the red bracelet, for them never to forget.

L a photographe Anju collabore avec l’association KOKORO 11.3.11 – « cœur » en Japonais – fondée pour soutenir les populations suite au séisme du 11 mars 2011. Ses photographies intitulées Dream Linking*, traduisent l’espoir de jeunes Japonais, liés entre eux par leurs rêves et le bracelet rouge KOKORO afin de ne jamais oublier. Ce fin bracelet rouge sera en vente (10€) au côté d’un modèle en or, réalisé en édition limitée à cent exemplaires exclusivement pour Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche (50€). Le montant des ventes sera intégralement reversé à l’association KOKORO 11.3.11. 

Exposition jusqu’au 20 septembre, 1er étage. * Liés par les rêves